Responsible for the content of the website:
Green Leaves Education Foundation
Mühlemattstrasse 56
CH-5000 Aarau
Phone: +41 52 728 59 67
Concept & Design:
Gutzwiller Kommunikation und Design AG
Roherstrasse 20, Postfach, 5001 Aarau
Telefon 062 823 54 81
Technical integration:
Michael Baer, Seestrasse 631, 8706 Meilen
Phone +41 079 703 54 53
Any content of the website (text, images, etc.), web design Copyright © by Green Leaves Education Foundation. The site is protected by copyright, Swiss copyright law, intellectual property and all other relevant laws. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
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All messages, graphics and design of the websites of Green Leaves Education Foundation / used solely for the personal information of our website visitors. Use at your own risk. A liability for the use of the Service or its unavailability is not included.
Important note to all Links
The website of Green Leaves Education Foundation contains links to third party websites. The respective operator is liable for the linked websites. Green Leaves Education Foundation has no influence on the current and future design and content of the linked pages. The link also does not mean that Green Leaves Education Foundation in any case agrees with the content of the linked pages.
Green Leaves Education Foundation checks the linked websites time and again for legality and timeliness. But it is not possible to constantly check the linked websites. Should on one of the linked websites nevertheless an illegal content appear or a piece of information which does not correspond to the newest state, Green Leaves Education Foundation assumes no liability. As soon as you learn about questionable content on the linked websites in Green Leaves Education Foundation, the link will be removed immediately. Corresponding instructions are appreciated by Green Leaves Education Foundation.